Anandamela 20 June 2015 free

Book Name: Anandamela 20 June 2015
Book Category : Bengali Magazine 
Magazine Name: Anandamela
Book Format: Portable Document Format
Book Language: Bengali
Book Courtesy: Benge Books Web 

Book Review: 

Anandamela 20 June 2015 issue is fortnightly edition of Anandamela Magazine. Anandalmela is Priodical children magazine in Bengali Language which is published from Kolkata, India. It is free with Sunday issue of Daily Ananda Bazar Patrika and  popular publication of Ananda Bazar Publications. Anandamela Magazine publishes special articles and stories such as Child Stories, short stories, ghost stories, thrillers, comics etc. This edition cover story is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll which was first published in 1865 and Main Character was Alice.  Other articles are  Comics of Giridir Jongole, Pete Pil, Khude Protiva  etc. Download Anandamela Bangla Magazine and Read Anandamela 20 June 2015 issue. 
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